A cardio workout that energizes fitness beginners and veterans alike. Basic steps, similar to walking up and down stairs, are at the heart of BODYSTEP - a class that will really tone your buttocks and thighs. During a BODYSTEP workout, you can expect a mix of rhythmic steps, including squats and lunges, that work your legs.

Combine them with movements like burpees, push-ups, and weighted exercises for a positive, uplifting full-body workout! Don't worry, there are numerous difficulty levels available to ensure that all participants leave the class feeling successful.

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  • increase your heart rat
  • increase your heart rate
  • increase muscle endurance
  • firm and shape your buttocks and legs
  • burn calories
  • improve your coordination and agility


    You will increase your heart rate, you will increase your heart rate, you will increase muscle endurance, you will firm and shape your buttocks and legs, you will burn calories, you will improve your coordination and agility.

Group classes included in the price of the pass

By joining us, you have complete freedom to take advantage of a wide range of classes to achieve your fitness goals and enjoy physical activity at no additional cost.

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